Thursday, May 31, 2007

CF - 31 May 07

The other day I was yelled at because I apparently have no understanding of colour theory or geometry within the context of metaphorically correct web and print graphics design. I still have no idea what that conversation was all about but I got what I deserved apparently.

This is a peek at the scheme for the upcoming upgrade to our website. Yes we will still have a blog but better and more functional. We will also have a discussion forum, and a scheduling agent with a store that will make planning/purchasing of classes and training camps a breeze.

We are moving forward onto great things people, will you be part of it or will you be reserved to watching from the sidelines? Come on and join our bootcamps!

WOD - For Time:
135lb Snatch High Pull x 50 reps

(Use 135, 115, 95, 65, 45 pounds or a broomstick as is appropriate to your skill level)
Do this with as much weight as you can safely muster - this is meant to make you stronger more explosive and gassed all in the same effort.

The key here is to pull slowly off the ground and accelerate as the barbell passes the knees. Be patient and wait until the bar is in the crease of the hip and explode or snap the hip in a violent vertical orientation. Simultaneously pull the bar up to the chest.

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